Our latest imaging system… Spectralis Heidelberg

In 2007, Sharnam Eye Centre & Laser Services equipped itself with the first High-Resolution Spectral OCT in India. Over the years, the centre has been constantly upgrading itself in keeping with further advancements in the field to provide comprehensive and quality care to our patients. We are pleased to introduce our state of the art Heidelberg Spectralis Ocular Imaging System—the finest diagnostic imaging system for assessing retinal diseases and glaucoma.

A SPECTRALIS OCT exam gives information about the condition of the retina and optic nerve. OCT is a very sensitive test for testing diseases of the retina and optic nerve. OCT is like doing a biopsy of retinal tissue. All the layers of the retina can be visualised to ascertain the correct diagnosis of the problem. OCT is a quick and non-contact test, does not cause any discomfort. Pupil is dilated in some cases only.

In addition to OCT, Spectralis has facilities for dye less angiography of retina or OCT Angiography, autofluorescence imaging and other retinal imaging modalities. The video shows how this test is performed. Sharnam eye centre is providing this investigation which is considered one of the best systems for the evaluation of retinal diseases.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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