Cost of Vitreo-Retinal Treatment

Being a senior vitreo-retinal surgeon and the owner of a comprehensive Vitreo-Retinal Treatment Centre, I am frequently met with questions about the cost of our services. More often than not, the query is simple: “Am I charging you more?”

Today, I want to address this query, not only to justify the cost structure, but more importantly, to provide you, the patient, an understanding of the intrinsic relationship between cost, quality, and safety in the medical and surgical realm of vitreo-retinal diseases.

The Inevitable Costs of Technological Advancements

The first and most important point to consider is the technological aspect of our field. The evolution of technology has undoubtedly advanced our abilities to treat vitreo-retinal diseases effectively. However, these advancements come with their respective costs.


Newer and more sophisticated diagnostic and surgical equipment are increasingly expensive. Moreover, they require regular maintenance and occasional replacements of specific parts, all of which add to the overall expenditure.

The Indispensable Costs of Medicines and Consumables

In vitreo-retinal surgery, we cannot compromise on the quality of equipment and consumables. Certain surgical consumables are designed for single use and are disposable. These are produced with the utmost sterility and functionality for a single use only. Reusing them not only compromises their functionality but also poses significant infection risks.

Despite the increasing market pressures and regulations from insurance companies and government schemes to cut costs, we must never compromise the quality of care. Attempting to cut costs by reusing single-use disposable consumables and instruments can lead to substandard results. In a field where a second chance to save vision may not be an option, this risk is unacceptable.

Think of it like this – using a world-class surgical instrument with a reused single-use consumable is akin to driving a new Mercedes with old, worn-out tyres. The performance will inevitably be sub-optimal.

The Imperative Costs for Optimum Treatment Outcomes

Achieving the optimum outcome in treatment is an intricate dance involving the surgeon’s skill, advanced equipment and infrastructure, and high-quality medicines and consumables. This holistic approach can only be provided if the patient is ready to pay for the quality of services. The simple fact is that we cannot sell a 100 rupee product for 60 rupees and still make a profit to sustain the system, unless we compromise the quality of the product.

In the context of vitreo-retinal treatment, the product is your vision, your quality of life, and often, your very livelihood. Ask yourself this: Is it acceptable to compromise on such a critical aspect of life to save costs?

So, to the question “Am I charging you more?” – the answer is not simple. The costs associated with running a world-class vitreo-retinal treatment centre are immense, and in our field, cutting corners is not an option. We aim to provide you with the highest standard of care, and that inevitably comes at a price. However, we firmly believe that the value of preserving and improving your vision is worth every rupee spent.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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