A+B Ultrasound Scan


A+B Ultrasound Scan

This instrument gives us advanced diagnostic capabilities for many ocular conditions.  Among them are difficult Vitreo retinal conditions where back part of the eye is not visualized on routine examination because of media opacities .  Media opacities can be due to Cataract, corneal opacity or haemorrhage inside the eye .Ultrasound gives us the capability to assess retina  vitreous and also the orbit in complex situations. We are excited to bring this technology to our patients enabling us to treat their conditions with greater accuracy.Ultrasound is a very useful test in cases of injury to the eye.

A/B Scan: Ultrasound of the eye sound wave that is directed to the eye that will give us high quality images of the internal structures of the eye.  Sound waves travel and pass from one medium (the vitreous) to another (the retina) and being different in density will reflect the sound differently.  These are echo’s.  With a B-scan we can determine if a retina is detached or if a tumor has penetrated.  It is also very helpful in assessing the optic nerve to differentiate drusen or papilledema .Bscans are especially useful to view the internal structures when you cannot see the eye due to a dense cataract, corneal scarring or anything else that obscures the view.  The A scan module measures the axial length of the eye.  This information is necessary to assist the surgeon in calculating the IOL that will be implanted during cataract surgery.

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Online Appointment: Available between 8 AM to 8 PM (Except Saturday)

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