Anti-VEGF Therapy


Anti-VEGF Therapy

( Intravitreal Injections : Lucentis, Accentvix, Eylea, Razumab, Avastin )

Significant progress has been made in treating many untreatable conditions like macular degeneration and changes in retina due to diabetes and hypertension, and a great deal of research is currently underway. The most significant advance has been the development of a new class of drugs now being used to treat these conditions. The drugs are based on the discovery that a group of proteins in the body, called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), play a significant role in the formation of the abnormal blood vessels that damage the retina in wet macular degeneration. These abnormal blood vessels are called choroidal neovascularization (CNV).

Same therapy has been useful in the treatment of Diabetic macular edema, Vascular occlusions, few Intraocular tumors and many more retinal disorders.

This therapy needs accurate diagnosis and also planning of treatment, Our centre is equipped with high-resolution spectral OCT and Angiography for diagnosis of such retinal disorders. Since it is a long term treatment proper planning and understanding is necessary for executing the treatment. Sharnam Eye centre & Laser Services is one of the first centres to start this treatment in 2006 in this part of the country.

The anti-VEGF drugs are injected directly into the jelly-like substance that fills the back of the eye, which is called the vitreous. Before the injection, drops/ inj  are used to numb the eye and a speculum may be put in place to hold the eyelids out of the way. While it may seem scary to receive an injection into the eye, most patients find that they experience minimal discomfort. Once inside the eye, the medication diffuses throughout the retina and choroid. It binds strongly to the abnormal VEGF proteins, preventing the proteins from stimulating further unwanted blood vessel growth and leakage.

Before injection of an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drug,
the eye is numbed and a speculum may be put in place to keep the eyelids
out of the way.

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