Digital Dye Angiography


Digital Dye Angiography

Angiography is a test to assess the extent and type of changes in the retina and ita blood vessels.In this test the patient is seated on a stool facing a special camera , a small amount of dye is injected into a vein in the arm, and the pictures are taken of the eye.Based on the findings of angiography laser or medical treatment is adviced.

Some common retinal diseases where angiography is required are :

  • Diabetic retinopathy [effect of diabetes on retina]
  • Hypertensive retinopathy [effect of blood pressure on retina]
  • Retinal vascular disorders [Blockage of vessels of retina]
  • Retinal vascular disorders [Blockage of vessels of retina]
  • Macular degenerations [Weakness of central area of retina]
  • Others like CSR,Optic nerve disorders,Eales disease etc

Technique :

Patient can take light beakfast or meal one hour before coming to the centre for angiography.Diabetic patients must bring sweets or biscuits with them.

A prerequisite for this test is fully dilated pupil.This is achieved byinstilling eye drops which may take about an hour to act.For the test the patient is seate

d and his head is rests in front of the fundus camera.Patients cooperation is must for taking good quality photographs.A dye is injected into a vein in forearm and photographs are taken in quick succession.Patient can develop a feeling of nausea which is going to pass off peacefully if the stomach is empty.The whole process lasts around 3 to 5 minutes.

Certain side effects of this procedure are developed in few patient – Nausea and vomiting, Vasovagal attack [fainting attack], Allergic reaction which in minor form can cause itching and in its severe form can cause anaphylaxis, Skin, nails and urine ca assume deep yellow which passes off with time.

Sharnam eye centre & Laser Services , is proud to offer the latest in imaging techniques for the evaluation of various retinal disorders

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