Minimal Invasive Vitreous Surgery


Minimal Invasive Vitreous Surgery ( Suture Less )

Microincision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) now joins microincision cataract surgery (MICS)  in our continuous quest to enhance the benefit and reduce the risk of the surgical procedures in ophthalmology. The procedures are associated with sutureless incisions, less induced astigmatism, less inflammation, less bleeding, reduced surgery times and more rapid visual rehabilitation for the patient.

The conventional approach, which has been followed for the last more than 30 years, involves making 3 cuts around 1mm in size each, in the coats of the eyeball. But these relatively large cuts must be closed at the end of the surgery by taking sutures. Besides, the outermost covering of the eyeball, called the “conjunctiva”, also needs to be cut and sutured in this approach.

This  trauma along with the sutures taken, cause lot of redness, watering and discomfort to the patient in the post-operative period.

This  new method MIVS of performing vitrectomy has been developed and is becoming popular all over the world.  This requires the use of special equipment that enables the surgeon to reach the vitreous using cuts that are as small as 0.5mm. These cuts close automatically and DO NOT require sutures

Since there are no sutures taken, there is no suture-related foreign body sensation or watering. Also, there is no need to cut the conjunctiva and so there is lesser redness of the eyes and faster recovery of the patient. All this increases the comfort of the patient in the post-operative period and patient can resume his/her routine work at the earliest. Not only that, the overall time required for surgery is also less.

We have been performing Minimal Invasive Vitreous Surgery since 2006 . Sharnam Eye Centre has seen the evolution of vitreous surgery from 19 gauge and 20 gauge to the finest 23,25 and 27 gauge . Sharnam eye centre was the first centre to perform 27 gauge vitreous surgery in India.

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