Retinal Cryopexy


Retinal Cryopexy

CRYOTHERAPY or CRYOPEXY is  the standard conventional method of preventing the occurrence of retinal Detachment.

  • Breaks or Holes in the retina are the cause of Retinal Detachment.They can be closed or sealed by producing minute scars in carefully selected areas of the retina.This treatment welds the retina back to the wall of the eye.
  • The similar welding can be achieved with Laser apart from cryotherapy depending on the situation.
  • In Cryotherapy, tiny ice crystals are produced on the retina with the help of a pencil like probe.These crystals trigger a repair process resulting in the formation of a controlled scar.
  • Cryotherapy is usually performed on a outpatient basis.The probe is applied over the covering layer of the eye to weld the specific weak defective retina.It is performed without cutting any tissue of the eye and only local anaesthesia is required.
  • Patient can go after resting for a while in the recovery room.
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Online Appointment: Available between 8 AM to 8 PM (Except Saturday)

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