Advancements in Vitreo-Retinal Surgery and Treatment

Advancements in Vitreo-Retinal Surgery and Treatment: A Promising Path Towards Preventing Blindness

Over the years, remarkable progress has been made in the field of vitreo-retinal surgery and treatment, offering renewed hope to patients suffering from various retinal disorders. Conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and retinal detachment, once considered grave threats to vision, can now be effectively managed and treated. While these advancements have significantly improved outcomes, there are still some areas where further development is needed. Nonetheless, the ongoing process of learning and innovation instils optimism that future breakthroughs will help prevent blindness caused by vitreo-retinal diseases.

Improved Treatment Modalities:

Vitreo-retinal surgery and treatment have witnessed transformative improvements, thanks to advancements in technology, surgical techniques, and pharmaceutical interventions. These breakthroughs have revolutionized patient care, enabling earlier detection, accurate diagnosis, and targeted treatments. With the advent of minimally invasive procedures, such as vitrectomy, retinal lasers, and intravitreal injections, patients now experience shorter recovery times, reduced complications, and improved visual outcomes.

Diabetic Retinopathy: A Paradigm Shift in Management:

Diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of blindness worldwide, has seen substantial progress in both prevention and treatment strategies. Early detection through regular eye screenings and timely intervention have been key in combating this condition. Innovative therapies, including anti-VEGF injections and steroid implants, have proven successful in halting disease progression and preserving visual function. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in retinal imaging has enhanced diagnostic accuracy, allowing for more precise and personalized treatments.

Macular Degeneration: Unleashing the Potential of Anti-VEGF Therapy:

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has long been a challenge in ophthalmology. However, the advent of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy has been a game-changer. These drugs effectively inhibit abnormal blood vessel growth, reduce macular edema, and stabilize or improve vision in many patients. Furthermore, ongoing research is focused on developing sustained-release drug delivery systems and gene therapies to provide longer-lasting and more targeted treatments for AMD.

Retinal Detachment: Surgical Innovations and Rehabilitation:

Retinal detachment, a sight-threatening condition, has greatly benefited from surgical advancements. Modern vitrectomy techniques, the use of intraocular gas or silicone oil, and advances in retinal imaging have enhanced surgical success rates and visual recovery. Post-operative rehabilitation, including visual aids, low-vision devices, and counselling, plays a crucial role in helping patients regain functional vision and adapt to any residual visual impairments.

Remaining Challenges and Future Prospects:

Despite the tremendous progress achieved, some challenges and limitations persist. Issues such as access to care, high treatment costs, and limited resources in certain regions pose barriers to optimal management of vitreo-retinal diseases. Furthermore, long-term outcomes of some treatments require further investigation to ensure their sustained effectiveness and safety.

The process of learning and development in the field of vitreo-retinal surgery and treatment continues unabated. Ongoing research focuses on improving current therapies, developing novel treatment modalities, and unravelling the molecular mechanisms underlying retinal diseases. Collaborations between researchers, clinicians, and industry stakeholders are critical for advancing knowledge, promoting innovation, and overcoming existing limitations.


The advancements in vitreo-retinal surgery and treatment have transformed the lives of countless individuals affected by diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and other retinal disorders. While there are still challenges to address, the relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation instils hope that blindness due to vitreo-retinal diseases will be prevented in the future. By harnessing emerging technologies, promoting accessibility to care.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


Unpredictable Outcomes of Vitreoretinal Diseases

The Unpredictable Outcomes of Vitreoretinal Diseases: It’s Not 2+2=4 in Medicine

Medicine isn’t mathematics. The outcome of any medical treatment isn’t as straightforward or guaranteed as the result of a simple mathematical equation, like 2+2=4. This principle becomes even more pronounced in the context of complex disorders such as vitreoretinal diseases.

Vitreoretinal diseases involve serious and intricate conditions affecting the sensitive, delicate retinal tissues and surrounding eye structures. These diseases challenge our understanding of the human body and the intricate workings of the eye. Even with the best available technology, refined treatment procedures, and highly skilled surgeons, we cannot guarantee the outcomes of these treatments.

The process of managing vitreoretinal diseases involves sophisticated treatment procedures, which are constantly being enhanced thanks to technological advancements and the evolution of surgical skills. A surgeon could be using the most state-of-the-art equipment, guided by years of experience and a high degree of expertise, yet the outcome may still fall short of expectations.

It’s important to note that the treatment outcomes for vitreoretinal diseases cannot be compared with those of cataract surgery or refractive procedures. While these conditions generally have a high rate of successful treatment due to their relatively simpler nature, vitreoretinal diseases, by virtue of their complexity, do not afford such certainty.

An unfavourable outcome, while unfortunate, is not always indicative of a surgeon’s lack of diligence or competency. Medical professionals commit themselves to saving and preserving vision with the utmost dedication and to the best of their ability. However, the intricate nature of vitreoretinal diseases means there are factors that can impact the result of treatment that are beyond their control.

Patients, their caregivers, and the general public should understand this inherent complexity. The unfortunate truth is that not all battles against vitreoretinal diseases will be won, despite the best efforts of the medical community. This is not a reflection of the surgeon’s lack of effort, but rather a testament to the complexity and severity of these conditions.

Doctors should not be blamed for every unfavorable outcome in these complex conditions. As we continue to improve our understanding and treatment of vitreoretinal diseases, it’s crucial that we maintain a realistic perspective on the challenges that these conditions present and the limitations that even the most advanced medical science currently faces. Understanding, empathy, and patience are as integral to this process as the most advanced surgical techniques and technologies.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Cost of Vitreo-Retinal Treatment

The Price of Quality: Understanding the Cost of Vitreo-Retinal Treatment

Being a senior vitreo-retinal surgeon and the owner of a comprehensive Vitreo-Retinal Treatment Centre, I am frequently met with questions about the cost of our services. More often than not, the query is simple: “Am I charging you more?”

Today, I want to address this query, not only to justify the cost structure, but more importantly, to provide you, the patient, an understanding of the intrinsic relationship between cost, quality, and safety in the medical and surgical realm of vitreo-retinal diseases.

The Inevitable Costs of Technological Advancements

The first and most important point to consider is the technological aspect of our field. The evolution of technology has undoubtedly advanced our abilities to treat vitreo-retinal diseases effectively. However, these advancements come with their respective costs.


Newer and more sophisticated diagnostic and surgical equipment are increasingly expensive. Moreover, they require regular maintenance and occasional replacements of specific parts, all of which add to the overall expenditure.

The Indispensable Costs of Medicines and Consumables

In vitreo-retinal surgery, we cannot compromise on the quality of equipment and consumables. Certain surgical consumables are designed for single use and are disposable. These are produced with the utmost sterility and functionality for a single use only. Reusing them not only compromises their functionality but also poses significant infection risks.

Despite the increasing market pressures and regulations from insurance companies and government schemes to cut costs, we must never compromise the quality of care. Attempting to cut costs by reusing single-use disposable consumables and instruments can lead to substandard results. In a field where a second chance to save vision may not be an option, this risk is unacceptable.

Think of it like this – using a world-class surgical instrument with a reused single-use consumable is akin to driving a new Mercedes with old, worn-out tyres. The performance will inevitably be sub-optimal.

The Imperative Costs for Optimum Treatment Outcomes

Achieving the optimum outcome in treatment is an intricate dance involving the surgeon’s skill, advanced equipment and infrastructure, and high-quality medicines and consumables. This holistic approach can only be provided if the patient is ready to pay for the quality of services. The simple fact is that we cannot sell a 100 rupee product for 60 rupees and still make a profit to sustain the system, unless we compromise the quality of the product.

In the context of vitreo-retinal treatment, the product is your vision, your quality of life, and often, your very livelihood. Ask yourself this: Is it acceptable to compromise on such a critical aspect of life to save costs?

So, to the question “Am I charging you more?” – the answer is not simple. The costs associated with running a world-class vitreo-retinal treatment centre are immense, and in our field, cutting corners is not an option. We aim to provide you with the highest standard of care, and that inevitably comes at a price. However, we firmly believe that the value of preserving and improving your vision is worth every rupee spent.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Unraveling the Mysteries of a Macular Hole: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Understanding a Macular Hole:

A macular hole is a small break that develops in the macula, the central section of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision that we use for tasks such as reading, driving, and face recognition. This condition can trigger blurry and distorted vision, typically in one eye.

Delineating the Causes of a Macular Hole:

Although the precise cause of a macular hole remains elusive, its prevalence tends to increase in individuals above 60 years of age, suggesting an association with natural aging processes. Macular holes can also be triggered by trauma, certain eye diseases, or vitreomacular traction, a condition where the vitreous gel tugs on the macula.

Identifying Early Signs of a Macular Hole:

Early warning signs of a macular hole can vary in severity and encompass:

  1. Blurry or distorted central vision: Straight lines may seem bent, and there might be a noticeable decrease in the sharpness of your central vision.
  2. A blind or dark spot: You could encounter a blind spot or a dark area in your visual field’s center, which can complicate tasks like reading, face recognition, and any activity necessitating clear central vision.
  3. Declining central vision: You might perceive a gradual or abrupt decline in your ability to see fine details or accomplish tasks demanding focused central vision.
  4. Visual disturbances: Macular hole patients might also experience flashes of light or floaters in the affected eye.

Please remember these symptoms can vary and may affect one or both eyes. If you experience any of these signs, promptly consult an eye care professional for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis.

Treatment Options for Macular Hole:

The primary approach to treating a macular hole is surgical intervention. A commonly employed technique include:

  1. Vitrectomy: This procedure involves removing the vitreous gel from the eye’s center and substituting it with a gas bubble or silicone oil. This bubble or oil aids in sealing the macular hole and facilitating the healing process. Eventually, the eye naturally absorbs this bubble but oil needs removal.
  2. Internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling: This technique, used during vitrectomy, entails delicately peeling off the thin membrane covering the macula. ILM peeling has proven to enhance the success rate of macular hole closure.
  3. Face-down positioning: Post vitrectomy, patients are generally instructed to maintain a face-down position for several days or weeks. This posture allows the gas bubble or oil to apply pressure to the macular hole, promoting healing and closure.

Success rates for macular hole surgery vary, with factors such as the hole’s size and duration, along with the eye’s overall health, playing a significant role. In general, surgery outcomes are positive, with most patients reporting improved vision.

Prompt diagnosis and treatment are paramount for securing the best possible results. Therefore, if you suspect a macular hole or observe any changes in your vision, consult an ophthalmologist for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment.

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Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
what is Age-Related Macular Degeneration

What is Age-related Macular Degeneration & How is it treated?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a condition that affects the central part of the retina, called the macula. It is a leading cause of vision loss among people over the age of 50, and it can result in significant visual impairment or blindness.

There are two types of AMD: dry and wet. Dry AMD is the most common type, and it is characterized by the gradual breakdown of the macula over time. Wet AMD is less common but more severe, and it is caused by the growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath the retina.

Age related Macular Degeneration Treatment:

Treatment for AMD depends on the type and severity of the condition. For dry AMD, there is no cure, but there are lifestyle changes that can slow the progression of the disease, such as eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and protecting the eyes from sunlight. Some supplements, such as vitamins C, E, and zinc, may also be helpful.

For wet AMD, there are several treatments available, including injections of drugs that block the growth of abnormal blood vessels or laser therapy to destroy them. These treatments can help slow or stop the progression of the disease and preserve vision, but they cannot restore vision that has already been lost. It’s important to seek prompt treatment if you experience symptoms of wet AMD, such as a sudden or rapid loss of vision, distorted vision, or the appearance of wavy lines in your field of vision.

It’s important to note that early detection is key in the treatment of AMD. Regular eye exams are crucial for people over the age of 50, especially those with a family history of the disease or other risk factors. If you have concerns about your vision or risk for AMD, you should speak with a retina specialist for guidance.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) FAQs:

Here are some frequently asked questions about age-related macular degeneration (AMD):

Q: What are the symptoms of AMD?

A: The symptoms of AMD may include gradual loss of central vision, blurred or distorted vision, difficulty reading or recognizing faces, difficulty seeing in low light and decreased brightness or intensity of colors. Some people with AMD may also experience a blind spot or a dark area in the center of their vision.

Q: Can vision lost from AMD be restored?

A: Unfortunately, vision lost from AMD cannot be fully restored. However, treatment can help to slow the progression of the disease and prevent further vision loss, allowing many people with AMD to maintain some level of vision and continue their daily activities.

Q: What are the risk factors for age-related macular degeneration?

A: The primary risk factors for AMD are age, genetics, and smoking. Other factors that may increase the risk of AMD include a family history of the disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and a diet high in saturated fats.

Q: How often should I get an eye exam if I have age-related macular degeneration?

A: People with AMD should have a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year, or as recommended by their retina specialist, to monitor the progression of the disease and adjust treatment as needed.

Q: Can age-related macular degeneration cause total blindness?

A: AMD doesn’t cause complete blindness, you may have difficulties seeing faces, reading, driving, or doing close-up works like cooking or fixing things around the house if you lose your central vision.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

NABH Accreditation – Another Step Towards Patient Safety & Quality Care

Another step towards patient safety and quality care: Sharnam Eye Centre and Laser Services, Ghaziabad is now NABH Accredited.

NABH stands for National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers. It is an autonomous body that operates under the Quality Council of India (QCI) and is responsible for setting the standards and accrediting healthcare organizations in India.

Importance of NABH accreditation:

The NABH accreditation is a recognition that a healthcare organization has met the national standards of quality and patient safety. It covers various aspects of healthcare delivery, including patient rights and education, infection control, infrastructure and facilities, clinical care, and safety management.

Achieving NABH accreditation indicates that a healthcare organization has implemented best practices, adheres to national and international standards, and has a commitment to continuous quality improvement. It enhances the organization’s reputation, improves patient satisfaction, and ultimately leads to better health outcomes for patients.

What are the safety goals in NABH?

The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) has identified certain safety goals that healthcare organizations must achieve to obtain accreditation. These safety goals are designed to ensure that patients receive safe and appropriate care, and include the following:

Identify patients correctly: Healthcare organizations must ensure that patients are identified correctly by verifying their name, date of birth, and other relevant information at every encounter.

Improve effective communication: Healthcare organizations must establish effective communication systems between healthcare providers and patients, and between healthcare providers themselves, to ensure that patients receive safe and appropriate care.

Improve the safety of high-alert medications: Healthcare organizations must have processes in place to ensure the safe use of high-alert medications, such as insulin, opioids, and anticoagulants.

Ensure safe surgery: Healthcare organizations must implement processes to ensure that surgeries are performed safely, including verifying the patient’s identity and the surgical site, and ensuring that all necessary equipment and supplies are available.

Reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections: Healthcare organizations must implement infection prevention and control measures to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections, including hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, and appropriate use of personal protective equipment.

Reduce the risk of patient falls: Healthcare organizations must implement fall prevention measures, such as identifying patients at risk for falls, using appropriate patient care equipment, and ensuring that patients receive assistance when needed.

Encourage patients’ involvement in their own care: Healthcare organizations must involve patients and their families in their care, including providing education about their condition, treatment options, and self-care.

By achieving these safety goals, healthcare organizations can ensure that they are providing safe and appropriate care to their patients, which is a fundamental requirement for NABH accreditation.

How does NABH accreditation benefit patients?

NABH accreditation benefits patients in the following ways:

Assurance of Quality: NABH accreditation indicates that the healthcare provider has met certain quality standards and has implemented processes to ensure patient safety and quality care. This gives patients the assurance that they are receiving care from a reliable and trustworthy healthcare provider.

Patient-Centered Care: NABH accreditation emphasizes patient-centered care, which means that the healthcare provider is focused on meeting the needs and expectations of the patient. This results in better communication, improved patient satisfaction, and better outcomes.

Improved Safety: NABH accreditation requires healthcare providers to have processes in place to ensure patient safety, such as infection control measures, medication safety protocols, and emergency preparedness plans. This results in a safer healthcare environment for patients.

Continual Improvement: NABH accreditation requires healthcare providers to continually assess and improve their processes and systems. This results in a culture of continuous improvement, which benefits patients by ensuring that the healthcare provider is always striving to provide the best possible care. Overall, NABH accreditation benefits patients by providing assurance of quality, patient-centered care, improved safety, and a culture of continual improvement.

If you are looking for NABH Accredited Eye Hospitals/Centre in Ghaziabad then Sharnam Eye Centre & Laser Services would be a better option for you.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Latest Imaging System – Spectralis Heidelberg

Our latest imaging system… Spectralis Heidelberg

In 2007, Sharnam Eye Centre & Laser Services equipped itself with the first High-Resolution Spectral OCT in India. Over the years, the centre has been constantly upgrading itself in keeping with further advancements in the field to provide comprehensive and quality care to our patients. We are pleased to introduce our state of the art Heidelberg Spectralis Ocular Imaging System—the finest diagnostic imaging system for assessing retinal diseases and glaucoma.

A SPECTRALIS OCT exam gives information about the condition of the retina and optic nerve. OCT is a very sensitive test for testing diseases of the retina and optic nerve. OCT is like doing a biopsy of retinal tissue. All the layers of the retina can be visualised to ascertain the correct diagnosis of the problem. OCT is a quick and non-contact test, does not cause any discomfort. Pupil is dilated in some cases only.

In addition to OCT, Spectralis has facilities for dye less angiography of retina or OCT Angiography, autofluorescence imaging and other retinal imaging modalities. The video shows how this test is performed. Sharnam eye centre is providing this investigation which is considered one of the best systems for the evaluation of retinal diseases.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Finest Diagnostic Imaging System for Assessing Retinal Diseases and Glaucoma.

In 2007, Sharnam Eye Centre & Laser Services equipped itself with the first High Resolution Spectral OCT in India. Over the years, the centre has been constantly upgrading itself in keeping with further advancements in the field to provide comprehensive and quality care to our patients. We are pleased to introduce our state of the art Heidelberg Spectralis Ocular Imaging System—the finest diagnostic imaging system for assessing retinal diseases and glaucoma.

Dr. Puneet Gupta

SHARNAM EYE CENTRE is ready to see you ।

धीरे धीरे covid pandemic में positivity rate कम हो रहा हे। Govt के restrictions भी steps में कम होते जा रहे हैं । लगभग डेढ़ महीने से non covid  स्वास्थ्य सेवाये लगभग बंद सी ही थी ख़ास तौर पर elective surgical work तो बिलकुल ही बंद था। कोविड के अलावा भी लोगों को अन्य बीमारियों से परेशनिया होती है जो कि सुविधावो के बंद होने से नज़रंदाज़ हो रही थीं ।

शरणम आइ सेंटर में अब patients की OPD शुरू को गयी है। सभी कोविड precautions को लेते diagnostic और  surgery की सुविधाओं को धीरे धीरे शुरू किया जा रहा है।

हम शरणम आइ सेंटर में आपकी safety का ध्यान रखते  हुए services प्रदान कर रहे है। सर्विसेज़ को सुचारु रूप से चलाने में आपका सहयोग भी आवयशक है।यदि आपको कही कोई कमी लगती है तो भी हमें बतायें उसको दूर करने का हर सम्भव प्रयास किया जाएगा।

मरीज़ों को देखने के तरीके में कुछ changes हुए हैं जैसे-

-social distancing को बनाए रखने के लिए patients को appointment system के द्वारा ही देखा जा रहा है।Waiting area में भीड़ ना लगे इस कारण से हो सकता है आपको बाहर ही या car में wait करना पड़ सकता है।

– Appointment system को बेहतर करने के लिए online appointment जो कि आप सीधे website के appointment link को clickकरके ले सकते हैं ।यह बहुत ही आसान है और इसके द्वारा आप अपनी सुविधा के अनुसार अपना time slot select कर सकते हैं ।किसी भी असुविधा के होने पर telephonic appointment की सुविधा तो है ही।

अपने साथ एक ही relative या attendant को लायें ।

– sanitizer,centre में जगह जगह उबलब्ध है इस्तेमाल करें ।

– मास्क का पहनना अनिवार्य हैं । सेंटर में आपको एक fresh मास्क पहनाया जाएगा।ये testing मशीनो  पर examination के दौरान आपको संक्रमण से बचाएगा।सेंटर से बाहर जाते समय आप इसे फेंक सकते हैं ।

– सेंटर के examination rooms area में जाने के लिए disposable footcovers आपको दिए जाएँगे। जिन्हें आप use के बाद waste disposal bucket में डाल कर जायें ।

– Waiting area के AC को बंद कर दिया गया है जिस से संक्रमण फैलने का ख़तरा रहता है।सेटर में  air circulation को बढ़ाने के लिए extra exhaust , air purifier, fans लगाए गए है।

– सभ staff और doctor मास्क और protective cover , gloves आदि का use  कर रहे हैं ।

हमारे patients की safety और health हमारा primary दायित्व है । it is the core of medical profession. यदि आपका  कोई सवाल है तो आप call करके पूछ सकते हैं । As always we will be guided by what is best for you .


Dr Puneet Gupta

For queries and appointments :

Call  9818851925, 8586030104

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